NOVA is Illinois Tech Rocketry's first custom flight computer for high-powered rocket. Originally initialized as an R&D project, NOVA allows the team to record altimeters for rockets. The objective is to perform real-time data telemetry from the avionics module on our rockets and transmit that data directly to our ground stations. Forthcoming, the ultimate goal of the project is to work alongside Big Red and R&D as the primary flight computer of our future launch vehicles. 

PCB Design

NOVA Flight Computer features six configurable pyrotechnic channels, a pressure sensor capable of 100,000 ft MSL, high and low G accelerometers (100-g and 16-g), 2000° per second gyros, magnetometer, GPS receiver, telemetry radio interface, 16 MB flight data storage, 4 PWM outputs, and micro USB interface. 


Ground Station Software

Ground Station Software supports custom FC with flight configuration settings and flight data analysis with live and recorded flight data

Post-Flight Analysis

Software also allows the team to view flight data live via telemetry or download record data from COTS Flight Computer.